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Monday, 26 June 2017



The name Lilapha-lapha is not a new name in The kingdom of Lesotho's entertainment circles, similarlyh applies to the name RoboCop. But as broad as the industry can get, these names are found in two very different though not rival forms of entertainment. Lilapha-lapha, born Bo fihla 'Neko is a Lesotho born comedian who without doubt is one of the most famous comedians this country has ever had, Robocop on the other hand is known for his hard stinging rap punchlines that have over the years led to him beinknown as Lesotho's Punchline king.
Hell broke loose when rapper Robocop announced on his facebook account that he’ll be releasing a single in which he featured a comedian,  LILAPHALAPHA. The HH26 crew did not waste any time, we went into talks with the rapper; Sello ’ROBOCOP’ Molibeli regarding his track with the comedian.
The track itself is named after the character ’lilaphalapha’. When asked why he made such a song he, Robo, told the crew that he believed the song is going to be a key to many doors in his career, he also added, ’Laphisto inspired me to write the song coz we’ve been working closely, that’s how the track came about.’ He further mentioned to us that  with this song, he hopes to explore different  styles of rap, laughingly saying he wants to  switch from the ‘bitter Robo’ to a ‘better Robo’.
In response to why he chose to work with a comedian in an industry full of rappers, he responded, "Music isn’t just about working with rappers, it’s about being versatile. There are so many examples I can make where comedians work with rappers’. The Motleheloa based rapper also emphasised how he is different from any other local rappers, He described himself as a ’go getter’ and unique. Lilaphalapha was produce, mixed a mastered by Carbon Beats and it was co-written by the two stars.
Robocop promised that this is going to be the dopest track of all the tracks he released. His favourite lines  on the track is ‘bare rhyme lia ba fahla (TOALA!) ekare nthoa kobotata’.  The relationship between Robocop and Lilaphalapha seems to have a prospectively bright future as they are already planning high school tours together.  The HH266 crew also found out that Robocop has ended one of the biggest rivalries in our local hiphop circles and has made peace with Megahertz. When asked about it, Robocop showed how it’s only a rumour and he can’t comment on that.`


Sunday, 25 June 2017


One of the profile pictures from the fake accounts named: 
Charley Falimehang

What's the difference between real street love and faked hype? With latter day technology and digital PR, buying facebook likes has been accepted in the hiphop industry as a marketing strategy, so far I have learned that one can't buy comments. So what do you do, you ask your friends secretly to comment and show love, but fake facebook accounts???

Shocking ain't it? Yes, Mapanaki's PR decided to create fake accounts and show love in forms of facebook comments. A few days after their release of LALA Mapanaki released yet another song, "Problems" which I thought was a good song, in fact I was personally impresed by the second verse. I even commented on the official release post of their official facebook page MAPANAKI. It was only a day or two when a close friend asked me,

    "Moddaw are you aware you are the only one who commented on the Mapanaki post? All those accounts are fake and lifeless."

Knowing which post i had commented on, in disbelief I rushed to facebook and checked it out. And with all disappointment I discovered it was true, I followed each of my fellow commentators to their personal accounts and boom!! All the people that showed positive feed back on the comments on the post were all fake accounts. Going to their walls one learns that all of them have no sign of life, yes, fake facebook accounts with one or two profile pictures and no or one post. Now what do you call this? Faked street acceptance, in simple words, fake love. As it remains Mapanaki couldn't get love from the streets so they faked it.

For your own convenience, check those comments on this OFFICIAL RELEASE POST or go directly to those accounts as listed below.
And PULE LESHOELA whose fakeness remains unconfirmed but verysuspiciouss, as it remains, Mapanaki could make the streets love 'em so the faked it!!!

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Mapanaki or Rhythm Child?

With so much growth in our small hiphop industry, it is not a rare thing to find crews breaking, either from jealousy, misunderstandings, propaganda and basically anything that would make other crew members feel un-easy around others.
Mapanaki with their manager 
Motheea Mpharoane in the centre.

A few years back a small rap crew made it's name in the streets of Maseru, this streetwise rap crew was called Mapanaki, long before the Mapanaki that you know today, though we cannot state for sure, rumour is; Mapanaki was founded by 24 years old rapper and graphic designer Rethabile Kelane aka Brutal Saint, it was quite a large group of more than five and yet less than 10 rappers. They built a name for themselves to some extend it can be said, with songs like "Buka Le pene" and "Chelete" just to mention a few, but it wasn't long before the crew's foundations and were shaken to the core. In 2016 the crew was rewired thereby giving birth to a new hiphop trio Rhythm Child and leaving behind a weakened Mapanaki. For over two months after the split sparks were seen between the patriotic Mapanaki and "the sell outs", it even went to as far as songs being released to address the matter. As we get it from the streets, the problem came with their then manager Motheea Mpharoane (Still manager of the new Mapanaki) who imposed a new way of running which the alleged founder of the rap group did not approve. It boiled down to a harsh split and ever since then the two teams have not seen eye to eye, while Kelane's hands were full with him tryna run and organise the newly found Rhythm child, Motheea was out working day and night with the remaining Mapanaki to create a better group with or without "The Saint" and his disciples. Today Rhythm Child has become one of the best groups in the country musically, that being said however does not mean we should sleep on Mapanaki, truth be told, they are bringing the best project this year when visuals are concerned, with Motheea being creator of the newly launched LNBS soap "Our Times" you know they have a professional on their side when videos are concerned. 

Rhythm Child: 
Brutal Saint on the far Left

Now here is something amazing, this coming weekend, 16th to 18th June 2017, both crews will  release new songs. Mapanaki are finally releasing their long awaited "Lala" and Rhythm Child is bringing in "New Levels" following their most recent release "Do the Wine". Some say Mapanaki will beat Rhythm Child 10/nil because of their organisation and strong held management, yet; others say Mapanaki is no match for Rhythm Child. You find one crew that has become two crews going on a weighing pan a year later and still people are not sure who has the upper hand. I say all we can do now is wait, not for too long though, tomorrow, we will know once and for all who comes in the hardest. Mapanaki or Rhythm Child??? you will decide. 

I am personally a fan of both squads and no matter the reactions of the society on Friday after hearing the two songs, it's nothing but love from me Moddaw oa Mochini and the rest of The DoubleH266 team. We know where hiphop lives