The Initiator and the Artists
I am a student of the school of hiphop, all my life revolves around hiphop, I'm not really a fan of american hiphop as we speak but it had quite an influence on the music I do an follow. Growing up I always had a dream of bettering my country (Lesotho)'s hiphop, either as an artiste or a promoter, or even an event organiser, I'm not where I want to be but I am doing so much already. I have documented Maseru, Leribe and Butha-Buthe hiphop over and over again, too bad my work was never published. But this year I came up with one of he best ideas our local hip hop has ever had. Earlier this year (2017) I asked radio presenters (understanding they receive so many submissions each week) to start making collections of Local hiphop and releasing such collections as mixtapes like HipHop the collection; the classics. I talked to quite a number really but it came to nothing, so i thought, why not create such myself, it would add some weight to my name as a local hiphoper and it could help us all as an industry. Challenge IGI was born, the IGI is an acronym for "i'm getting in". This challenge gets its name from the manner in which it shall be built. 15 Basotho rappers will take on one theme for the firstime, they will each write a song called "I'm getting In" and record in the comfort of their own stables. This means we will have 15 tracks recorded at different studios, produced by different producers for different rappers. When all these songs are done, I will collect them all and create one tape.
For me, both rap and trap are elements of hip hop, as a result I choose to judge them all as one, Challenge IGI features some of the most appreciated names when hiphop is concerned in Lesotho. We have rappers like Skebz D, WaddysWorth, Lemekoane ( Mr Basali-Basali ), RoboCop, Quality Juli, S-Jizzle, Nejah, Blaze ShattaQueen, Lemeke, L-tweety, Notty Buoy, Jiji F, Trilah Ado, L-Tore and myself Moddaw oa Mochini (The Initiator). With a line-up like this there is only one thing to expect; flames. I tried balancing all these rappers to ensure that at least every rapper has competition of some sort on the tape e.g, Jiji F, Skebz D, Lemeke, Lemekoane and Robocop are more of rappers than trappers or producers, uNejah, S-Jizzle and Trilah Ado are more of Producers than rappers or trappers, Shatta Queen and Quality Juli are female rappers, L-Tore and Waddysworth present a more underground feel to their music though it's still commercial, L-Tweety, Notty Buoy and Myself are more of trappers than rappers or producers. With this tape built in this manner, we are certain to have fans from all walks of hiphop as it is, and having fans' eyes directed to one point is the best thing that could happen to a developing hiphop industry.
The Challenge.
This challenge is meant to attract the eyes of local music fans to one direction, to say to the cooperate world, we are an industry worth investing in and not a group of boys and girls who rap. To say; regardless of our "beefs" and rap wars we have one common goal which is to see ourselves regarded as our foreign counterparts who often come to Lesotho to rake into their pockets money which according to "Sepa leholo ke la molata" is supposed to be ours and not theirs.
15 different musicians shall take on the challenge to write basing themselves on one theme. They will create a compilation of 15 tracks which shall be aired on all local radio stations that play and support hiphop. The mixtape will be given to fans for free through free music download sides such as datafilehost, fileboxer, vocaloo or any which shall prove reliable when the date of release near. This tape shall be released on 27th April 2017 and will be distributed internationally within 2 weeks of release, should the mixtape sell internationally, all artists/representatives will be called in and each will have their cut of the profits.
Contact Me
To be part of this movement as an artist please note that we are now full but another tape will follow this one.
To be part of this movement as a fan follow the initiator's social media links, twitter, instagram, facebook
Or follow my hiphop facebook page HIPHOP IN LESOTHO
To be part of this movement as a sponsor please email
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